Botox Cosmetic

Dermatologists are constantly researching new and effective ways to reverse the effects of premature aging from facial muscle contraction (dynamic wrinkles). Both men and women benefit from treatments, such as Botox Cosmetic, which can drastically improve the appearance of dynamic wrinkles on the frown, forehead, crow’s feet and neck folds.

  1. What is Botox?

  2. What is the history of Botox?

  3. What are dynamic wrinkles and what causes them?

  4. What does the Botox treatment feel like?

  5. How long do Botox injections last?

  6. Who can perform Botox treatments?

  7. Is Botox Safe?

  8. What are the Side effects Botox?

  9. What Results can I expect from a Botox treatment?

Click here to see the dramatic results you can achieve with Botox Cosmetics.

For more information visit the Botox Cosmetic website.

1. What is Botox?

Botox is the trade name of Botulinum Protein Type A, which is a purified form of the toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium Botulinum. Botox blocks impulses from the nerve to the tiny facial muscles that are related to expression lines. Botox Cosmetic is injected into these tiny muscles, which relaxes the muscles so they do not contract. After treatment, the overlying wrinkle line will gradually fade away while the untreated facial muscles contract in a normal fashion, allowing for normal facial expression in the untreated area. Botox is effectively being used on both men and women to temporarily eliminate the frown lines, crow’s feet, forehead lines, and neck folds.

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2. What is the history of Botox?

In 1987 a Canadian physician, Dr. Jean Carruthers, discovered the potential of using Botulinum A. Toxin while treating her ophthalmology patients. She, and her husband Alistair Carruthers, M.D., pioneered the use of Botox for the cosmetic purpose of reducing wrinkles by using it to relax the muscles that cause dynamic wrinkles on the face and neck.

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3. What are dynamic wrinkles and what causes them?

Dynamic wrinkles are caused by the contraction of the delicate underlying facial muscles every time you frown, smile, raise your eyebrows, or otherwise contort your face. For example, when you frown, for any reason, you gather the tissue between your eyebrows into a fold. In some of us, this causes a chronic furrow that can be visible even when you are not making that facial expression. This can produce a frustrated, discouraged, or angry look on our face which is unappealing. The dynamic wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes often make you feel older.

The more emotion you show through your face, the deeper these dynamic wrinkle lines are likely to be. Botox Cosmetic smooths out the lines so you look refreshed, youthful and happy.

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4. What does the Botox Cosmetic treatment feel like?

Botox Cosmetic is a safe and simple procedure. The actual treatment takes only a few minutes to perform. Using a tiny micro-needle, a very small amount of Botox is injected, very precisely, into several locations on the face. Because the needle is so fine and only a small amount of liquid is used, the pain associated with the injections is minimal. Most patients compare the sensation to a bug bite. No sedation or local anesthetic is needed, and you may resume normal activities immediately after receiving the injection. Many patients have the treatment on a lunch break or on their way home from work.

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5. How long do Botox Cosmetic injections last?

Botox Cosmetic usually takes effect in three to four days. Gradually over three to five months the Botox effect will fade, and the muscle action will return. When the frown line starts to reappear, a simple repeat treatment is all that is necessary to maintain the desired results.

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6. Who can perform Botox Cosmetic treatments?

Only a licensed physician, trained in the use of Botox Cosmetic, can do this therapy.

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7. Is Botox Cosmetic Safe?

Botox has been used safely and effectively since 1980 for the treatment of strabismus (lazy eye), and blepharospasm (uncontrolled eye blinking). The widespread use of Botox for cosmetic purposes started in 1989. A major study of this technique was completed in 1995 and a review of the findings was published in The Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. Each year thousands of patients receive Botox Cosmetic treatments for a variety of conditions and it has become the most popular treatment for reversing the visible signs of aging.

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8. What are the Side effects Botox?

The side effects of Botox are related to the local injection of the solution. There will be a slight discomfort from the needle entering the skin and a small chance of a bruise at the site of the injection. This can be covered up with make-up if it occurs. There are no reports of damage to the eye, when injected into the eyelid. There have been no permanent side effects reported from the use of Botox. Approximately 1% of patients will develop a slight lowering or ptosis of one eyelid. This is temporary and may not even be noticed by the patient.

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9. What Results can I expect from a Botox Cosmetic treatment?

If dynamic wrinkles make you look older than you are, Botox Cosmetic can smooth these out and give you a more youthful and pleasant appearance. However, this procedure cannot improve wrinkles due to aging and sun-damaged since they are unrelated to facial muscle contractions. Laser resurfacing can correct wrinkles that are a result of sun-damage.

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